About the book
Fascinated by the myriad changes impacting our world and universally fierce emotions they are arousing, best-selling Dutch author and anthropologist Jitske Kramer set out to unravel the patterns of this liminal time. In clear language she describes the opportunities, the dangers and the lures during major changes. When wild stories confound, tricksters continually toy with truth and power relations shift.
She also offers masterclasses and lectures (klikbaar maken naar lecture Tricky) where the key aspects of the book come to life, providing anthropological insights on how to navigate through the messy middle of change.

We are in a period of transition
As with any major change, we have to let go of what is familiar without knowing exactly what the future holds. This is a confusing betwixt-and-between time, when things are neither what they were, nor what they will become. Anthropologists call such between-times liminality.

What others say about Jitske: “Jitske Kramer is one of the most inspiring speakers in the Netherlands. She provokes you into thinking deeply and speaking out. She gazes into the depths with flair and courage. Looking for surprising new insights and their practical applicability. Unifying and forceful.”
About Jitske Kramer
Jitske Kramer travels all over the world to learn from traditional healers, leaders, surprising innovators and random passers-by. She is a corporate anthropologist, an inspiring speaker, entrepreneur founder of HumanDimensions. In 2013 Jitske was chosen as Trainer of the Year. She is known for being the bestselling author of Tricky Times, Deep Democracy, Jam Cultures (about diversity and inclusion), Work has left the Building and co-author of The Corporate Tribe (2016 Management Book of the Year). She brings worldly knowledge and experiences back to the world of organizing, cooperation and leadership through challenging keynotes and masterclasses.
To improve the strength and results of individuals and groups (and to make the world a more beautiful place). She has the ambition to activate organizations to be wildly attractive to everyone and everything. In her stories, what is familiar gradually becomes strange. And what is strange becomes familiar. It is her quest to understand how we can build strong cultures, safe for diversity and ready for change. In her talks and books she shares her experience and research into these topics.
“If we are not careful, we hail the best spinners of truth as heroes and get Jack Sparrows as CEOs and Pinocchios as political leaders”.
Tricky Terms
The book Tricky Times is about the opportunities, dangers and temptations of the in-between times of change. The terms liminality, tricksters (M/F/X) and the idea that we are culturally lost play an important role here. As these terms are new to many, herewith a detailed explanation of all three.
Message to
International Publishers
Do you believe our new book fits your portfolio and want to share it globally? We are open to discussing collaboration opportunities to make this story reach readers worldwide. Let’s connect!
Reach out
Would you like to invite Jitske for radio, TV, an interview, podcast, article, panel, festival, lecture, or other events?
Please contact Roos Prins using the form below. Roos handles everything and much more for Jitske. As we say: questions? Roos knows.
You can also reach Roos by phone at: +31613166610