jitske kramer


Jitske Kramer is a corporate anthropologist who travels all over the world to learn from traditional healers, leaders, surprising innovators and random passers-by. She is known for being the bestselling author of Tricky Times, Deep Democracy, Jam Cultures, Work has left the Building and The Corporate Tribe. She brings worldly knowledge and experiences back to the world of organizing, cooperation and leadership through challenging keynotes and masterclasses. To improve the strength and results of individuals and groups (and to make the world a more beautiful place). She has the ambition to activate organizations to be wildly attractive to everyone and everything. Preferably in a pleasantly simple way. In her stories, what is familiar gradually becomes strange. And what is strange becomes familiar.


What others say about Jitske: “Jitske Kramer is one of the most inspiring speakers in the Netherlands. She provokes you into thinking deeply and speaking out. She gazes into the depths with flair and courage. Looking for surprising new insights and their practical applicability. Unifying and forceful.”

building tribes

jam cultures

deep democracy

wordly wisdom

the impact of
the corona virus

jitske with..


Jitske Kramer is a well-known female speaker. She gives keynote addresses and keynotes lasting between 15 – 90 minutes. Jitske works based on a set of fundamental stories, and yet each keynote is unique. Her stories are unscripted and constantly evolving. New stories are added after each trip. When you hear Jitske speak a second time or a third time, you hear new things. After an intake session over the phone, Jitske tailors what she says to the audience, the organization and the context. Her philosophy shines through in her books.


In de periode van 19 April tot 15 mei 2024 gaan Jitske Kramer en Dolf Jansen op tour langs negen theaters in Nederland. Met het exclusieve theatercollege All- inclusive. Een avond vol kennis, comedy en spoken word.

Een theatercollege over verschillen. Over overeenkomsten. Over samen mens zijn. 
Een avond met heldere theorie over zware thema’s. Maar ook licht, lucht en lach door spoken word, live muziek en comedy. Voor een theaterprijs van +-€26,-


Jitske Kramer is a best-selling author. Her books are about her journey of discovery about how people can be good together. How we can build strong tribes, safe for diversity and ready for change. How we can work and live well together, even with people we might not like. How people shape cultures and how cultures shape people. About change and what change requires of leaders and organizations. About decision-making, power, diversity and inclusion. About the lessons she learned on her anthropological trips. Many beautiful stories and practically written, solid theories.

host or panel

Jitske Kramer has worked on various shows and productions. She can come on as a conversation partner, or as a host. She is disarming, but always razor-sharp in getting to what unravels, enriches, sobers and strengthens us. Contact us to discuss the options for your project.


Jitske Kramer is the founder of Human Dimensions. Human Dimensions looks at the world and at organizations through the eyes of an anthropologist. The Human Dimensions team has the ambition to activate organizations to be wildly attractive to everyone and everything. Preferably in a pleasantly simple way. Our approach can sometimes be disruptive, turning everything upside down, coherently disturbing the status quo and exploring conflicts. Other times we focus on being together, reconnecting people, fun and establishing harmony. Human Dimensions offers training courses on Deep Democracy, Anthropological Perspectives, Holding Space and Jam Cultures.

jitske on jam

Jam Cultures was developed by Jitske Kramer to provide handles for diversity and inclusion. It offers a perspective and practical method for dealing with contrasts, differences and conflicts. With loving boundaries and a strong focus. Working together based on each individual’s voice. Rock-hard and soft at the same time. The inclusion paradox: be yourself and adapt.

jitske on deep

Together, Jitske Kramer and the HumanDimensions team put the Lewis method of Deep Democracy on the map in the Netherlands. This resulted from a deep fascination for decision-making, with an eye for and appreciation of differing opinions. No trade-offs. Actual consensus. Without compromising. Tackling and solving conflicts, instead of working around them. And including the wisdom of the minority in the majority decisions.

upcoming events

Current Month


Jitske speaks at various organizations a few times a week. These are often private events. Anyone can sign up for the activities in this overview!


For more information or specific questions, contact us with the form below. That will bring you into contact with Roos Prins. Roos handles everything for Jitske and the Human Dimensions team. As we say: questions? Roos knows.
You can also reach Roos by phone: +31 613166610

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Below are our General Terms and Conditions, which include our complaints policy. If there is anything you are unsatisfied with, of course you can always contact us.